Privacy Policy

Personal Data Provided By The User

Currently no app published by house24labs requires registration and there is no option for the user to enter any personal information in any app therefore we cannot collect any.

Usage Metrics

We do not collect any specific analytics data from within any app. Generalized usage metrics such as number of installs and uninstalls might be collected and used only by the developer to monitor the number of active users.


We do not use advertising in any app.

QR Code Data

All scanning is done on the device and the QR Code content is only stored locally on the device. We do not collect this data. The data can be easily deleted by the user at any time from within the app or from the Android settings.


The Camera is required for the QR Code Scanner to function. The camera is only active on the scanning page. No camera data is collected.


The storage permission is required to allow the user to select a local image that contains a barcode or QR code for scanning. All images stay on the device.


This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify you of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy here.

Last updated: 09 Dec 2022